Monday, April 2, 2007

Second Vehicle Entry

Yes, it is true that Edgerton will be getting a second vehicle entry!

In early March, the school board approved the creation of a second vehicle entry to the Edgerton Elementary campus. This has been an on-going debate since the district acquired land for this school and there are pro’s and con’s on both sides of the table. For me, the major celebration for such an entry is the improved safety of the students. We will also have less congestion and our neighbors in the northern development will be impacted less. However, this then means that our neighbors at the south of school will be impacted more and we will need to work hard to show respect for their space, land and peace they have come to enjoy. The entry will come off of 164th on the most NW corner of the property. Patience will also be needed, as the related details are still being hammered out at the county level and we will not start school with everything as we want it. Much more to come.

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